Our  popular Poster Calendar for 2024! Twelve 11x14" posters with new original art each month! A stunning wall calendar for the office or home by artist Johanna Riley. Hang it in our 11x14" Linnea Frame.

Artist's Notes for Each Month's Image:

JANUARY: Noodles for good luck in the New Year! Toshikoshi Soba. Depending on where you go in Japan, the noodles are long, symbolizing a long life. So by eating the noodles, it represents your wish for a continued long life in the next year as well. 

FEBRUARY: Inseparable companions. Lovebirds snuggle on a shared branch.

MARCH: I love the graphic nature of a shopping basket. Part of the fun of travel is going into new markets and seeing all the wonderful and strange things they have!

APRIL: April showers create delight for all the senses. 

MAY: Lovely weather for a bicycle ride through the Cotswolds in England. Hedgerows teeming with life in the spring and summer. 

JUNE: The netting that holds a bag of oranges is so wonderfully graphic and mesmerizing. Orange you glad you're reading these page notes?

JULY: Spacious skies, amber waves of grain, and purple mountains majesty. America the beautiful indeed! Happy Independence Day!

AUGUST: As summer draws to a dreamy end, double espresso shots give us a jumpstart. Espresso should be "Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love." -Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

SEPTEMBER: International Crab Fest Day, a delicious September 14 holiday! Crab in the fall is a wonderful treat! The primary season for all crab species is late September to January, when they are often at their largest and populations are highest after spawning.

OCTOBER: Camping and telling spooky ghost stories around the fire make for a great October.

NOVEMBER: Amaryllis provide wonderful indoor blooms this time of year. My favorites are the white ones. Ahhhhh, that beautiful floral bouquet!

DECEMBER: December is for honoring traditions new and old. Linnea created this image in 1993 and it's one of my favorites so I thought we'd put it here for another spin around the sun.

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